
Среднее образование

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Speaking OGE (Task 2) Part 1
Speaking OGE (Task 2) Part 1 Ruota della fortuna
Guess who (Wednesday)
Guess who (Wednesday) Abbinamenti
 Unit 4.1 Is there? Beginner Outcomes
Unit 4.1 Is there? Beginner Outcomes Quiz
SM4_Unit 3_PS vs PC
SM4_Unit 3_PS vs PC Organizza per gruppo
SM3_unit 3_Daily tasks
SM3_unit 3_Daily tasks Immagini con bollini
SM3_unit 1_like, love_correct the mistakes
SM3_unit 1_like, love_correct the mistakes Carte a caso
SM3_unit 2_the story
SM3_unit 2_the story Metti in sequenza
SM3_unit 3_daily tasks_revision
SM3_unit 3_daily tasks_revision Telequiz
SM3_days of the week
SM3_days of the week Metti in sequenza
代词 Личные местоимения в китайском язке
代词 Личные местоимения в китайском язке Quiz
SM3_unit 2_habitats
SM3_unit 2_habitats Flash card
SM3_unit 2_food chain _3
SM3_unit 2_food chain _3 Anagramma
SM3_unit 2_voсabulary
SM3_unit 2_voсabulary Anagramma
SM3_unit 3_daily tasks
SM3_unit 3_daily tasks Memory
SM3_unut 2_habitat
SM3_unut 2_habitat Anagramma
SM3_unit 2_animals_food chain_habitats
SM3_unit 2_animals_food chain_habitats Quiz con immagini
SM3_unit 3_Arnold and the robot
SM3_unit 3_Arnold and the robot Abbinamenti
SM3_unit 2_vocab
SM3_unit 2_vocab Memory
SM4_unit 4_prepositions of time
SM4_unit 4_prepositions of time Organizza per gruppo
Will, to be going to + test
Will, to be going to + test Quiz
Rund ums Wohnen Adjektive
Rund ums Wohnen Adjektive Organizza per gruppo
Animal eye-dentification. Games. World of puzzles. 02/2017.
Animal eye-dentification. Games. World of puzzles. 02/2017. Carte a caso
SM3_days of the week_timetable
SM3_days of the week_timetable Carte a caso
Solution Placement Test
Solution Placement Test Quiz
EO4_unit 2_reflexive pronouns
EO4_unit 2_reflexive pronouns Carte a caso
Past Simple
Past Simple Riordina
OGE Travelling
OGE Travelling Gira le tessere
EO4_unit 1_used to/would
EO4_unit 1_used to/would Organizza per gruppo
Noun + preposition
Noun + preposition Quiz
Муха 2
Муха 2 Apri la scatola
Правильно ли написано это слово?
Правильно ли написано это слово? Vero o falso
SM3_unit1_school subjects
SM3_unit1_school subjects Anagramma
gateway b2+ unit 3 phr verbs
gateway b2+ unit 3 phr verbs Abbinamenti
ЕГЭ Русский язык. Задание 7
ЕГЭ Русский язык. Задание 7 Quiz
Solutions Elementary 2A School subjects Questions
Solutions Elementary 2A School subjects Questions Carte a caso
Числа до 100
Числа до 100 Abbinamenti
SM3_days of the week_dictation
SM3_days of the week_dictation Ruota della fortuna
thanksgiving quiz
thanksgiving quiz Quiz
Conditionals 0-3
Conditionals 0-3 Quiz
Части тела
Части тела Abbinamenti
Passive/Active_OGE Organizza per gruppo
Ключи (найти в иероглифах)
Ключи (найти в иероглифах) Quiz
SM3_days of the week
SM3_days of the week Cruciverba
Ключи (угадать значение)
Ключи (угадать значение) Quiz
Solutions Upper-Intermediate Unit 1 Fame Personallity words
Solutions Upper-Intermediate Unit 1 Fame Personallity words Abbinamenti
Solutions IA Adj describing visitor attractions
Solutions IA Adj describing visitor attractions Anagramma
Future - different ways of describing
Future - different ways of describing Carte a caso
English File Int 6A VB
English File Int 6A VB L'impiccato
SM5_unit 4_Zero conditional
SM5_unit 4_Zero conditional Quiz
I think you'd (based on English File 4th Edition)
I think you'd (based on English File 4th Edition) Ruota della fortuna
Муха 1
Муха 1 Apri la scatola
Money matters
Money matters Completa la frase
Past Perfect
Past Perfect Ruota della fortuna
Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers Quiz
РКИ, еда в супермакете
РКИ, еда в супермакете Abbinamenti
Смежные и вертикальные углы
Смежные и вертикальные углы Quiz
Spotlight 10 module 6 b
Spotlight 10 module 6 b Abbinamenti
Space day
Space day Quiz
SM3_daily tasks
SM3_daily tasks Anagramma
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