
Англійська мова 4клас

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should Riordina
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Quiz
Prepare 5. Unit 13. Prepositions
Prepare 5. Unit 13. Prepositions Quiz
Prepare 5. Unit 11: Entertainment
Prepare 5. Unit 11: Entertainment Anagramma
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки Trova le corrispondenze
NMT 10 (advertisement)
NMT 10 (advertisement) Quiz
Англійська революція (особистості)
Англійська революція (особистості) Organizza per gruppo
Англійська революція
Англійська революція Abbinamenti
 Prepare 5. Unit 14. Because, or, and, but
Prepare 5. Unit 14. Because, or, and, but Completa la frase
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 14. Going out
Prepare 5 NUS. Unit 14. Going out Abbinamenti
Англійська революція (дати)
Англійська революція (дати) Abbinamenti
4клас італія
4клас італія Crucipuzzle
Alphabet - order 2
Alphabet - order 2 Completa la frase
ABC Carte a caso
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Quiz
 Family members
Family members Anagramma
indirect questions
indirect questions Carte a caso
NMT (ex. with pictures)
NMT (ex. with pictures) Quiz
I've got a . I haven't got a cards
I've got a . I haven't got a cards Carte a caso
FF starter Food
FF starter Food Trova le corrispondenze
Alphabet - names of letters
Alphabet - names of letters Abbinamenti
Family Abbinamenti
Мій одяг
Мій одяг Crucipuzzle
Cereal + Dairy Products
Cereal + Dairy Products Abbinamenti
Food Trova le corrispondenze
Quick minds 1. Unit 4: in, on, under
Quick minds 1. Unit 4: in, on, under Quiz
Get to know you
Get to know you Apri la scatola
Plural nouns(taken from Grammarway 1 Ex. 4 p.7)
Plural nouns(taken from Grammarway 1 Ex. 4 p.7) Quiz
Oxford exam trainer B2 Unit 3
Oxford exam trainer B2 Unit 3 Abbinamenti
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Riordina
Irregular verbs (II) UA
Irregular verbs (II) UA Trova le corrispondenze
-ing vs. -ed adjectives
-ing vs. -ed adjectives Quiz
Present Continuous 1
Present Continuous 1 Riordina
Present Continuous. Despicable me
Present Continuous. Despicable me Quiz
Month L'impiccato
Month of the Year
Month of the Year Trova le corrispondenze
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster Trova le corrispondenze
Gerund Carte a caso
Present Simple,+,-
Present Simple,+,- Abbinamenti
beehive 1 unit 1
beehive 1 unit 1 Trova le corrispondenze
FF1 Unit 11 all words
FF1 Unit 11 all words Anagramma
Особові займенники та присвійні прикметники
Особові займенники та присвійні прикметники Organizza per gruppo
Money Q&A. EF Intermediate
Money Q&A. EF Intermediate Carte a caso
Numbers to 20
Numbers to 20 Quiz
past and present habits focus 4 unit 1.2
past and present habits focus 4 unit 1.2 Quiz
Numbers 11-99
Numbers 11-99 Abbinamenti
Shopping Go Getter
Shopping Go Getter Abbinamenti
Was-Were  Questions
Was-Were Questions Carte a caso
ww 2 unit 1.1
ww 2 unit 1.1 Anagramma
 pronouns I you we they
pronouns I you we they Quiz
Focus 1 Clothes WS 4E
Focus 1 Clothes WS 4E Quiz
Daily Routines
Daily Routines Crucipuzzle
Means of transport
Means of transport Quiz
Warm-up (Past Simple). Unit 6. Go getter 2
Warm-up (Past Simple). Unit 6. Go getter 2 Carte a caso
Ripristinare il titolo salvato automaticamente: ?