6 клас Speaking
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Food- Speaking questions
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking time
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking 1 (beginner)
Ruota della fortuna
Full Blast Have you ever...?
Ruota della fortuna
Apri la scatola
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Winter Questions
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Раціональні числа, 6 клас
Organizza per gruppo
Speaking questions 11 (Food)
Ruota della fortuna
Рівняння 6 клас.
Розв'язування рівнянь ( 6 клас)
Apri la scatola
6 клас . Подібні доданки.
Географія 6 клас
Organizza per gruppo
CLOTHES - speaking
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking questions (to know each other)
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking questions 10
Ruota della fortuna
Future tenses
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Present Simple/Continuous. Questions 3
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Speaking questions (adults)
Ruota della fortuna
Debate - Discussion Cards
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Getting to know | speaking cards
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Winter Conversation
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking | business
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Giving advice_ should/shouldn't
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Present Simple vs. Present Continuous speaking 3
Apri la scatola
Speaking - prepositions of movement & place
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking | Influence
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Sleep (Speaking)
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Appearance | speaking
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WORK | Speaking
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Speaking _ Instagram
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Present Simple\ speaking
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Warm-up Speaking 2
Ruota della fortuna
Скретч. Інформатика 5-Б клас
Inseguimento nel labirinto
Математика - 6. Рівняння
Математика-6. Ділення раціональних чисел
Trova le corrispondenze
Speaking questions 19 (Comparatives)
Ruota della fortuna
6 клас Греція
Inseguimento nel labirinto
Повторення 6 клас (українська література)
Apri la scatola
Full Blast 6. Review. Module Hello
Ruota della fortuna
Go getter 3. Unit 4. Adverbs of manner
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Частини мови 6 клас (повторення)
Organizza per gruppo
Present Perfect Speaking Questions and answers
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PAST SIMPLE Speaking questions 28
Ruota della fortuna
Speaking for kids
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controversial speaking 2
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Was Were Speaking cards
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Speaking 'sport'
Carte a caso
Лексика Doctor! Doctor! 6 клас 22.02.24
Speaking (time - preps)
Ruota della fortuna
Present Continuous speaking
Ruota della fortuna
Prepare 6 Music phrases
Flash card
PAST SIMPLE Speaking 30
Ruota della fortuna
Routine A1
Apri la scatola
Ice Breaker Questions For Kids
Apri la scatola
Ruota della fortuna