
English / ESL Teachers

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Academy Stars 4   Unit 2
Academy Stars 4 Unit 2 Immagini con bollini
Daily routine speaking (English A2)
Daily routine speaking (English A2) Carte a caso
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs
English File Intermediate. Dependent Prepositions, after verbs Completa la frase
English File. Intermediate. Unit 3B
English File. Intermediate. Unit 3B Carte a caso
English File pre-intermediate unit 1 vocab
English File pre-intermediate unit 1 vocab Abbinamenti
English File beginner jobs
English File beginner jobs Carte a caso
English File pre-intermediate 4A
English File pre-intermediate 4A Apri la scatola
English File 2B 2
English File 2B 2 Abbinamenti
English File beginner possessive pronouns
English File beginner possessive pronouns Carte a caso
English File 4th Elementary 5A
English File 4th Elementary 5A Abbinamenti
Present Simple: rules. Test.
Present Simple: rules. Test. Quiz
English file_clothes we wear activity 2
English file_clothes we wear activity 2 Abbinamenti
Match the numbers
Match the numbers Abbinamenti
Household chores
Household chores Immagini con bollini
10B Phrasal Verbs English File Pre-Intermediate page 163
10B Phrasal Verbs English File Pre-Intermediate page 163 Quiz
English File Upper 2B 1
English File Upper 2B 1 Abbinamenti
Adverbs upper English file 3B
Adverbs upper English file 3B Carte a caso
EF4e UI U6B Verbs + infinitive and gerund
EF4e UI U6B Verbs + infinitive and gerund Quiz
English File Elementary fourth edition placement test
English File Elementary fourth edition placement test Quiz
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous Carte a caso
What did they do?
What did they do? Flash card
Solutions Pre-Interm 1C
Solutions Pre-Interm 1C Abbinamenti
Present Simple/present continuous
Present Simple/present continuous Flash card
Present Simple
Present Simple Apri la scatola
Superlative adjectives questions
Superlative adjectives questions Carte a caso
Already VS Yet
Already VS Yet Completa la frase
English File Pre-Interm 3A Reading
English File Pre-Interm 3A Reading Completa la frase
English File Interm Money Prepositions
English File Interm Money Prepositions Apri la scatola
Used to
Used to Carte a caso
English File Pre-interm, Units 1-4
English File Pre-interm, Units 1-4 Carte a caso
Hello How Are You 2
Hello How Are You 2 Memory
EF Pre-intermediate 1С Clothes
EF Pre-intermediate 1С Clothes L'impiccato
Choose the correct verb
Choose the correct verb Quiz
English File beginner 3B
English File beginner 3B Carte a caso
 Food and drinks
Food and drinks Gira le tessere
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing Quiz
Word order (time expressions of the Present Simple +)
Word order (time expressions of the Present Simple +) Riordina
Gerund/Infinitive Organizza per gruppo
English File 3. Unit 5. Past tenses
English File 3. Unit 5. Past tenses Carte a caso
Months Abbinamenti
English File Elementary Unit 8C
English File Elementary Unit 8C Trova le corrispondenze
EF B2 Unit 3 Top Gear Challenge Vocab Extra
EF B2 Unit 3 Top Gear Challenge Vocab Extra Completa la frase
English File Interm: Gerund VS Infinitive + Money
English File Interm: Gerund VS Infinitive + Money Quiz
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives Flash card
EF PI U4A Make or Do
EF PI U4A Make or Do Organizza per gruppo
English File Pre-Intermediate Unit 2A Holidays
English File Pre-Intermediate Unit 2A Holidays Apri la scatola
English File Elementary. Unit 7B
English File Elementary. Unit 7B Abbinamenti
Solutions Interm Vocab 1A - 1D
Solutions Interm Vocab 1A - 1D Flash card
irregular verbs
irregular verbs Flash card
Mein Arbeitstag
Mein Arbeitstag Flash card
Present Simple (I do) or the Present Continuous (I am doing) Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Unit 7 Ex.A
Present Simple (I do) or the Present Continuous (I am doing) Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Unit 7 Ex.A Quiz
Complete the questions (AmEF2)
Complete the questions (AmEF2) Completa la frase
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