
K sound

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10.000+ risultati della ricerca per "k sound"

Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k
Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k Organizza per gruppo
Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1
Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1 Telequiz
Fundations Sound Cards K
Fundations Sound Cards K Gira le tessere
K and G sound Practice
K and G sound Practice Colpisci la talpa
C or K
C or K Inseguimento nel labirinto
Sound Sort /qu/ /k/ /w/
Sound Sort /qu/ /k/ /w/ Organizza per gruppo
WHAT IS THIS? Quiz con immagini
Game Show- initial s
Game Show- initial s Telequiz
Beginning Letter Sound
Beginning Letter Sound Ruota della fortuna
(K-3rd) F Sound
(K-3rd) F Sound Ruota della fortuna
spellings of /k/ sound
spellings of /k/ sound Quiz
Beginning Sound Match-Fun K U1W5
Beginning Sound Match-Fun K U1W5 Abbinamenti
Initial sound contest
Initial sound contest Telequiz
Short "o" Whack
Short "o" Whack Colpisci la talpa
Sound sort /b/  & /p/
Sound sort /b/ & /p/ Quiz
Recognizing Beginning "C"
Recognizing Beginning "C" Organizza per gruppo
Unvoiced th
Unvoiced th Inseguimento nel labirinto
/k/ words-Initial
/k/ words-Initial Ruota della fortuna
Unvoiced TH sound
Unvoiced TH sound Abbinamenti
/k/ Final words
/k/ Final words Ruota della fortuna
ow, ou, oi, oy
ow, ou, oi, oy Organizza per gruppo
am/an sort
am/an sort Organizza per gruppo
NFL Teams
NFL Teams Ruota della fortuna
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound
3.6 choose the spelling for the /k/ sound Telequiz
b vs. d
b vs. d Organizza per gruppo
Short vowels
Short vowels Organizza per gruppo
Find Beginning "C"
Find Beginning "C" Scoppia i palloncini
Final /s/ words
Final /s/ words Ruota della fortuna
Letter M
Letter M Colpisci la talpa
Blue 89 y as a vowel sound
Blue 89 y as a vowel sound Organizza per gruppo
Final /k/ sound
Final /k/ sound Organizza per gruppo
Blends, c, k, -ck, nasal blends, VCe
Blends, c, k, -ck, nasal blends, VCe L'impiccato
Fundations Sound Cards K
Fundations Sound Cards K Apri la scatola
Air Sounds Quiz Show
Air Sounds Quiz Show Telequiz
Initial S WORDS and final ts
Initial S WORDS and final ts Gira le tessere
Words that start with "C"
Words that start with "C" Scoppia i palloncini
VCe Spelling Hangman
VCe Spelling Hangman L'impiccato
Movement Break: Yoga
Movement Break: Yoga Apri la scatola
Y says Long I / Y says /y/ Sort
Y says Long I / Y says /y/ Sort Organizza per gruppo
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole
1-20 OG SDS Lesson - Y Says Long I Whack-a-mole Colpisci la talpa
2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard C and G Sort
2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard C and G Sort Organizza per gruppo
Motor Break
Motor Break Ruota della fortuna
Articles (a, an, the)
Articles (a, an, the) Quiz
Whack Beginning "C"
Whack Beginning "C" Colpisci la talpa
Color Wheel Matching Game
Color Wheel Matching Game Organizza per gruppo
Sound/Not Sound Group Sort (1st Grade Science)
Sound/Not Sound Group Sort (1st Grade Science) Organizza per gruppo
Step 1.4
Step 1.4 Completa la frase
Kas kam tinka?
Kas kam tinka? Trova le corrispondenze
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