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10.000+ risultati della ricerca per "2年級"

美洲華語B2L8 Trova le corrispondenze
《一粒种子》词汇练习1~王老师 Ruota della fortuna
美洲華語B2L9 Abbinamenti
Senderos 2 lección 3 vocabulario
Senderos 2 lección 3 vocabulario Quiz
Senderos 2 Lesson 1 Vocabulary
Senderos 2 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Abbinamenti
2.2 M v N
2.2 M v N Quiz
《小猫钓鱼》词汇练习1~王老师 Carte a caso
Fun 2 Unit 11 Week 1 Words 1st 20
Fun 2 Unit 11 Week 1 Words 1st 20 L'impiccato
史歷屆B1L1測驗 Quiz
新年吉祥話 Abbinamenti
ING words
ING words Organizza per gruppo
Senderos Vocabulary Lesson 2
Senderos Vocabulary Lesson 2 Cruciverba
Fundations Unit 14 /ou/
Fundations Unit 14 /ou/ Quiz
Suffix -less, and -ness
Suffix -less, and -ness Organizza per gruppo
Fundations Unit 2, level 1
Fundations Unit 2, level 1 Riordina
Fundations Level 2 Unit 7 Trick Words
Fundations Level 2 Unit 7 Trick Words Anagramma
Faire de ou Jouer à ????
Faire de ou Jouer à ???? Organizza per gruppo
Open syllable prefixes
Open syllable prefixes Abbinamenti
Dictionary Quartiles
Dictionary Quartiles Organizza per gruppo
Complete the ey,ea, ee sentences
Complete the ey,ea, ee sentences Completa la frase
ch or tch
ch or tch Organizza per gruppo
Syllable Types
Syllable Types Quiz
Unit 10 Trick Words
Unit 10 Trick Words Crucipuzzle
Closed or Exception? Whack a Mole
Closed or Exception? Whack a Mole Colpisci la talpa
Match the word to the picture
Match the word to the picture Abbinamenti
Suffix s or es? Wilson 2.2
Suffix s or es? Wilson 2.2 Quiz
Dictionary work
Dictionary work Quiz
Digraph ch
Digraph ch Colpisci la talpa
Spelling oi & oy words
Spelling oi & oy words Completa la frase
Homophones Quiz
Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words
Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words Anagramma
Grade 2 CKLA-Unit 1-Tricky Words
Grade 2 CKLA-Unit 1-Tricky Words Ruota della fortuna
Senderos 2 4.2 Preterite vs. Imperfect
Senderos 2 4.2 Preterite vs. Imperfect Organizza per gruppo
Senderos 2 Leccion 3 (2nd vocab list)
Senderos 2 Leccion 3 (2nd vocab list) Abbinamenti
A v E sounds
A v E sounds Quiz
GG 2 Unit 5 Around Town
GG 2 Unit 5 Around Town Cruciverba
分辨韻母a及o (二年級)
分辨韻母a及o (二年級) Colpisci la talpa
中國新年 Apri la scatola
FIS Lesson 2 /f/ and /v/ Whack a mole
FIS Lesson 2 /f/ and /v/ Whack a mole Colpisci la talpa
2 syllable sort  -,  v.ccv,  vcc.v
2 syllable sort -, v.ccv, vcc.v Organizza per gruppo
Senderos 2 4.3 'Se' #2
Senderos 2 4.3 'Se' #2 Abbinamenti
Sh or ch pictures
Sh or ch pictures Vero o falso
Sounds of letter s
Sounds of letter s Organizza per gruppo
Digraph th thumb or mother?
Digraph th thumb or mother? Organizza per gruppo
Does this word have a digraph?
Does this word have a digraph? Colpisci la talpa
First 20 Fry Words
First 20 Fry Words Memory
/ng/ or /n/?
/ng/ or /n/? Organizza per gruppo
Open vs Closed   SIS
Open vs Closed SIS Organizza per gruppo
Go Getter 2 (Unit 1 Classmates)
Go Getter 2 (Unit 1 Classmates) Immagini con bollini
New Green Flash - B1 - Places in town
New Green Flash - B1 - Places in town L'impiccato
Nonsense Words - cvc
Nonsense Words - cvc Ruota della fortuna
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