Phonics Adult basic education pronunciation
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Digraph 4: "th"
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Last Weekend Questions Reg & Irreg
Ruota della fortuna
Heart Word Assessment
Flash card
Short a, i, o matching
Wilson 1.1-1.2 Word Sort
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UFLI Heart Words 11-20
Trova le corrispondenze
UFLI Heart Words 21-30
CVC short a sounds
Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
Colpisci la talpa
PPE, Vocabulário: Cumprimentos 2
Completa la frase
PPE, Aula 3, Vocabulário: Nacionalidades
oi and oy picture sort
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Syllable Blending
Gira le tessere
long a sort it
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Long O Sort It
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Weather words
Beginning Sound Match-Fun K U1W5
Minimal Pairs R and L
Barton Spelling Prac. 4.1- 4.5
Letter Sound Assessment
Flash card
a, o, i phrases
Trova le corrispondenze
Vowel Team Sort
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English for Job Search _ Get to Know You
Ruota della fortuna
Empower Starter, Lesson 3A, Vocabulary: Food
Ruota della fortuna
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple
Colpisci la talpa
Word Sort 2: Count and Noncount Nouns
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Possessive Adjectives & Subject Pronouns
Completa la frase
Telephoning - Key expressions and functions
Trova le corrispondenze
Getting to Know You Questions
Ruota della fortuna
Negative Prefixes + Adjectives
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Simple Past Tense Review
At the Grocery Store, Part 2/4
Immagini con bollini
Health Problems
Immagini con bollini
Used to & Would
Carte a caso
Fast Food Restaurant
Immagini con bollini
Conversation Wheel (Daily Routines)
Ruota della fortuna
English Vocabulary: Verb phrases 3
Past Simple + Past Continuous
Completa la frase
At the Grocery Store, Part 1/4
Immagini con bollini
English vocabulary: Verb phrases 2
How do you feel when...
Apri la scatola
Safe vs. Unsafe
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Daily Routines
Immagini con bollini
Verbos Pasado/Presente/Futuro
Ruota della fortuna
Basic Fractions
Bossy R Read & Sort
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Ripasso verbi in -are al presente
Completa la frase
Pronunciation /s/ - /z/ in sentences
Carte a caso
Whack-a-Mole /oi/ and /oy/
Colpisci la talpa
Initial L Blends Match Up
ar, or, er
Ruota della fortuna
Magic-e with o
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Sight worsd Sonday system
Ruota della fortuna