Blending sounds
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8.071 risultati della ricerca per "blending sounds"

Successive Blending: short a (Do not shuffle)
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Real or Nonsense cvc and vc words
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cvc word maze chase
Inseguimento nel labirinto

Skills 3- Blending Sounds
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Fundations-Tapping and blending sounds
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Ruota della fortuna

Ruota della fortuna

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Beginning Sounds
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Middle Sounds

Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles
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Who Let the Dogs out? (Words with 2 sounds)
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/sh/ words (3 sounds)

Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles (- pictures)
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SH or CH Sounds
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Ruota della fortuna

Beginning Sound Practice Sonday Prereading Level 4 Review
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Vibrating or quiet sounds - beginning
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Beginning Sounds- Find the Short "a" Sounds (Phonemic Awareness)
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T, F, and B
Ruota della fortuna

Association 1
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Letter-sound match

What are the letter sounds?
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t-b-f-n-m pick a box
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Ending Sounds
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blending cvc

Blending CVC Find the match
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Match the Same Sounds

blending cvc

digraph /th/
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initial or final /sh/
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Needed Fundations Sounds- May
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Robot Beginning Sounds
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Ruota della fortuna
Ruota della fortuna
Sound Sort : /e/ or /i/
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Letter Sound Assessment
Flash card
Open Syllables vs. Closed Syllables
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CVC Syllable Division
Flash card
/y/, /w/ Initial Sound Sort
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/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
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two sounds of oo sort
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Green Lesson 8 Phonics Word Work
Quiz con immagini
Tt, Mm, Aa Sound Sort
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Initial sound /y/ Whack a Mole
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Sound sort m, n, t
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Letter to Sound Match-Up