
English for speakers of other languages

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6b masculine and feminine classify
6b masculine and feminine classify Organizza per gruppo
Where is - Where are
Where is - Where are Quiz
9a restaurant match pic word
9a restaurant match pic word Abbinamenti
2a Present with Singular match words
2a Present with Singular match words Abbinamenti
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number
4c numbers 1-10 match word and number Abbinamenti
2d present with all subjects match words
2d present with all subjects match words Trova le corrispondenze
6- Syllables up to م
6- Syllables up to م Abbinamenti
2e Present with I hit moles
2e Present with I hit moles Colpisci la talpa
3e extended rearrange letters
3e extended rearrange letters Anagramma
4a Yaa Milkiyya hit moles
4a Yaa Milkiyya hit moles Colpisci la talpa
2d jobs extended pic match
2d jobs extended pic match Quiz
2h Present with I he match words
2h Present with I he match words Organizza per gruppo
6a feminine and masculine hit moles
6a feminine and masculine hit moles Colpisci la talpa
Barton 5.4 Other Sounds of suffix -ED Sort
Barton 5.4 Other Sounds of suffix -ED Sort Organizza per gruppo
FOR or TO?
FOR or TO? Completa la frase
Figures of Speech
Figures of Speech Organizza per gruppo
Reasons for English Colonization of Jamestown
Reasons for English Colonization of Jamestown Completa la frase
Prepositions of Place: the dog is ___ the box
Prepositions of Place: the dog is ___ the box Abbinamenti
Month of the year
Month of the year Cruciverba
Wheel of Questions
Wheel of Questions Ruota della fortuna
For Andrew: Three Sounds of ea
For Andrew: Three Sounds of ea Organizza per gruppo
United States of Americas' states names (Labelled diagram) [Part 1]
United States of Americas' states names (Labelled diagram) [Part 1] Immagini con bollini
Days of the week
Days of the week Anagramma
United States of Americas' states names (Labelled diagram) [Part 2]
United States of Americas' states names (Labelled diagram) [Part 2] Immagini con bollini
Part of Speech Sort
Part of Speech Sort Organizza per gruppo
In, Or, At, --
In, Or, At, -- Quiz
Exam 1. Adverbs of Frequency
Exam 1. Adverbs of Frequency Riordina
Disney comparisons
Disney comparisons Quiz
Pusheen: In, On, Under, Next to
Pusheen: In, On, Under, Next to Apri la scatola
Wh questions - past of be
Wh questions - past of be Colpisci la talpa
Questions with was/were
Questions with was/were Ruota della fortuna
English Speaking Topics
English Speaking Topics Carte a caso
Sounds of "ow" - Sometimes "ow"'says /oe/ like snow. Other times, "ow" says /ou/ like cow.
Sounds of "ow" - Sometimes "ow"'says /oe/ like snow. Other times, "ow" says /ou/ like cow. Organizza per gruppo
Levels of Organization
Levels of Organization Organizza per gruppo
Exam 2. Adverbs of Frequency
Exam 2. Adverbs of Frequency Completa la frase
Activity 2. Adverbs of Frequency
Activity 2. Adverbs of Frequency Anagramma
Math Baloon Pop Plus and Minus to 100 Super Hard!
Math Baloon Pop Plus and Minus to 100 Super Hard! Scoppia i palloncini
Math Whack-A-Mole Plus and Minus to 100!
Math Whack-A-Mole Plus and Minus to 100! Colpisci la talpa
Barton 9.5 spellings for /k/
Barton 9.5 spellings for /k/ Organizza per gruppo
Noun or Adjective?
Noun or Adjective? Apri la scatola
Practice Club 07 Rooms in the house
Practice Club 07 Rooms in the house Immagini con bollini
IN, ON, or AT?
IN, ON, or AT? Quiz
two sounds of oo sort
two sounds of oo sort Organizza per gruppo
Helping verb "to be" - Past, Present, Future
Helping verb "to be" - Past, Present, Future Completa la frase
Multiples of 7
Multiples of 7 Colpisci la talpa
Numbers Ruota della fortuna
What Job Do You Do?
What Job Do You Do? Memory
Was - Were
Was - Were Ruota della fortuna
do/go/play a sport
do/go/play a sport Quiz
Noun, Verb, Adjective Sort
Noun, Verb, Adjective Sort Organizza per gruppo
Adjective Memory Game
Adjective Memory Game Memory
Lesson 13: Where? When? How?
Lesson 13: Where? When? How? Organizza per gruppo
What is a Descriptive Adjective?
What is a Descriptive Adjective? Telequiz
Subject + Verb Agreement
Subject + Verb Agreement Completa la frase
People, place, or thing? 1H
People, place, or thing? 1H Organizza per gruppo
What is a descriptive adjective?
What is a descriptive adjective? Quiz
Mass, Volume, Weight Group Sort (5th Grade Science)
Mass, Volume, Weight Group Sort (5th Grade Science) Organizza per gruppo
Ripristinare il titolo salvato automaticamente: ?