Grammar Headway elementary english
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Motivate 02 - Unit 05 - Comparative questions
Ruota della fortuna
Past simple questions
Motivate 2 - Unit 05 - Adjective word order - p66 - SB
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Telling the time - Balloon pop
Scoppia i palloncini
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Match Up
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Trova le corrispondenze
FCE linkers
Motivate 2 - Unit 08 - Present Perfect Questions
Carte a caso
Conditional questions
Ruota della fortuna
CAE1/Unit1/Used to, usually, get used to and be used to/MP
Ruota della fortuna
Motivate 2 - should/shouldn't Conversation Questions
Ruota della fortuna
Unit 03 - love, like, hate
Inseguimento nel labirinto
Objective First - Unit 15.2 - Countable x Uncountable
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CAE - Gerunds and Infinitive
The Future - Conversational Questions
Carte a caso
Complete Advanced - Unit 5 - Gerund and Infinitive Conversation Questions
Ruota della fortuna
Jetstream Intermediate - Third Conditional Questions
Carte a caso
Unit 6.1 - Second Conditional Conversation questions
Carte a caso
CAE 3 - Conditional Conversation Questions
Carte a caso
Simple Past Conversation Questions
Carte a caso
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2
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A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1
Gira le tessere
countable and uncountable - dialogues
Completa la frase
Complete Advanced - Unit 7 - Participle Clause starters
Ruota della fortuna
ED / ING adjectives - Reactions bingo
Apri la scatola
T2 - Motivate 1 - There is / there are INTERROGATIVE
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Objective First - Gerunds and Infinitives
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The School rules - Convesation Prompts - MUST
Apri la scatola
Grammar - Adjectives - Unit 4 - English Class A1+
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a - an
Past Simple - irregular verbs
Trova le corrispondenze
Past Simple - regular verbs
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New Yellow Flash - B3 - What's this? / What are these?
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Lesson 2.1 p 19 - Conversational Questions with USED TO
Ruota della fortuna
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite
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5B English File Elementary
Trova le corrispondenze
Unit 02 - WB p17 - Plural Nouns
Colpisci la talpa
Possessive adjectives
Vero o falso
Sorting Common vs Proper Nouns
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Pre-Inter 1 - Open Mind - Unit 3 - Pronouns
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Jobs - English File Elementary
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