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771 risultati della ricerca per "jewish"

The Wheel of Jewish Questions
The Wheel of Jewish Questions Ruota della fortuna
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review Quiz
How Much Do You Know about Israel?
How Much Do You Know about Israel? Telequiz
Tu Bishvat
Tu Bishvat Completa la frase
Order the Jewish Holidays
Order the Jewish Holidays Metti in sequenza
Jewish Symbols
Jewish Symbols Scoppia i palloncini
How well do you know Sukkot?
How well do you know Sukkot? Quiz
Jerusalem Day
Jerusalem Day Vero o falso
Hebrew letter quiz
Hebrew letter quiz Quiz
Ma'ariv Aravim/Yotzer Or
Ma'ariv Aravim/Yotzer Or Quiz
Passover Symbols
Passover Symbols Scoppia i palloncini
Sukkot quiz show
Sukkot quiz show Telequiz
Purim Symbols
Purim Symbols Scoppia i palloncini
Purim Word Search
Purim Word Search Crucipuzzle
חנוכה Colpisci la talpa
The Purim Story
The Purim Story Metti in sequenza
Hatikvah Word Match Up
Hatikvah Word Match Up Abbinamenti
Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Abbinamenti
Jewish Trivia
Jewish Trivia Telequiz
Holiday Name Flashcards Hebrew
Holiday Name Flashcards Hebrew Gira le tessere
Passover Blessing Match
Passover Blessing Match Abbinamenti
Hatikvah Order
Hatikvah Order Metti in sequenza
Passover Vocabulary (D'rash)
Passover Vocabulary (D'rash) Abbinamenti
V'ahavta - jumble word by word
V'ahavta - jumble word by word Anagramma
Purim Vocabulary (D'rash)
Purim Vocabulary (D'rash) Abbinamenti
Torah Blessings - What Comes Next?
Torah Blessings - What Comes Next? Apri la scatola
Baruch She'amar - Anagram
Baruch She'amar - Anagram Anagramma
Purim Memory
Yamim Noraim and their Season
Yamim Noraim and their Season Inseguimento nel labirinto
Chanukah Symbols
Chanukah Symbols Scoppia i palloncini
Torah Blessings Word Sort
Torah Blessings Word Sort Anagramma
Passover Vocabulary Game
Passover Vocabulary Game Abbinamenti
Jewish Family Tree
Jewish Family Tree Immagini con bollini
Purim Fun
Purim Fun Quiz
Passover Wordsearch
Passover Wordsearch Crucipuzzle
מַה נִשְתַנָה anagrams
מַה נִשְתַנָה anagrams Anagramma
Tu b' Shevat
Tu b' Shevat Telequiz
Mitzvah Memory
Hatikvah match the word meaning
Hatikvah match the word meaning Trova le corrispondenze
Remembering and Observing Shabbat
Remembering and Observing Shabbat Organizza per gruppo
The Passover Story
The Passover Story Metti in sequenza
Mitzvah or Minhag - Passover
Mitzvah or Minhag - Passover Organizza per gruppo
Jewish Memory
Jewish Memory Memory
Find the Match -  Shema and V'ahavta - 3
Find the Match - Shema and V'ahavta - 3 Trova le corrispondenze
Sukkot Build-a-Blessing
Sukkot Build-a-Blessing Completa la frase
Mi Chamocha Balloon Pop
Mi Chamocha Balloon Pop Scoppia i palloncini
Club Sofit Speed Quiz
Club Sofit Speed Quiz Frutta volante
Tu BiShvat : Trees in Israel
Tu BiShvat : Trees in Israel Completa la frase
Club Sofit Airplane
Club Sofit Airplane Aeroplano
Torah Blessing Vocab Wordsearch
Torah Blessing Vocab Wordsearch Crucipuzzle
Unjumble the Kiddush
Unjumble the Kiddush Riordina
Chanukah Vocabulary (D'rash)
Chanukah Vocabulary (D'rash) Abbinamenti
Hatikvah first verse - put in word order - Hebrew only
Hatikvah first verse - put in word order - Hebrew only Metti in sequenza
The Chanukah Story
The Chanukah Story Metti in sequenza
Samson - The Explorer's Bible
Samson - The Explorer's Bible Quiz
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