
Kindergarten Computing

Esempi della nostra Community

10.000+ risultati della ricerca per "kindergarten computing"

Color Sight Word Match
Color Sight Word Match Abbinamenti
car Immagini con bollini
The parts of a computer
The parts of a computer Immagini con bollini
dddkmcdkmckmckckmk Inseguimento nel labirinto
1001 raid array 2.0
1001 raid array 2.0 Abbinamenti
CompTIA a+ 1002 linux commands
CompTIA a+ 1002 linux commands Abbinamenti
comptia 1001 raid array
comptia 1001 raid array Abbinamenti
What Do You Share Online?
What Do You Share Online? Organizza per gruppo
Coding words
Coding words Trova le corrispondenze
1102 A+ Scripting
1102 A+ Scripting Abbinamenti
Coding Terms
Coding Terms Abbinamenti
Minecraft Ideas
Minecraft Ideas Ruota della fortuna
Games quiz
Games quiz Quiz
1102 A+ Regulated Data
1102 A+ Regulated Data Abbinamenti
Email Etiquette
Email Etiquette Organizza per gruppo
220-1101 A+ Port Numbers
220-1101 A+ Port Numbers Abbinamenti
Computer Parts
Computer Parts Immagini con bollini
Letters t, b, f
Letters t, b, f Organizza per gruppo
Sort by number of syllables
Sort by number of syllables Organizza per gruppo
Fundations Trick Words 1-15
Fundations Trick Words 1-15 Memory
B/D Ruota della fortuna
L Sound Initial- set 1
L Sound Initial- set 1 Memory
     אותיות א-י
אותיות א-י Scoppia i palloncini
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort Organizza per gruppo
Fundations Standard Letter Cards
Fundations Standard Letter Cards Carte a caso
CVC words
CVC words Anagramma
Letter S Words
Letter S Words Colpisci la talpa
-op Word Family
-op Word Family Ruota della fortuna
L blend quiz
L blend quiz Quiz
Rhyming Apri la scatola
Letter Sounds with Lower Case Letters
Letter Sounds with Lower Case Letters Ruota della fortuna
Rhyme Wheel
Rhyme Wheel Ruota della fortuna
Letter g or n
Letter g or n Organizza per gruppo
five senses quiz
five senses quiz Quiz
more less
more less Quiz
Letter Sounds
Letter Sounds Ruota della fortuna
Kindergarten Bird Addition
Kindergarten Bird Addition Memory
-ut Word Family
-ut Word Family Ruota della fortuna
Rhyme Time
Rhyme Time Trova le corrispondenze
-at Word Family Match
-at Word Family Match Abbinamenti
Middle Sounds
Middle Sounds Quiz
Short a and short i
Short a and short i Organizza per gruppo
Sort The Colors!
Sort The Colors! Organizza per gruppo
Find the Gold!
Find the Gold! Gira le tessere
rhyming words
rhyming words Quiz
Letter F
Letter F Quiz con immagini
Put these words in order to make a sentence.
Put these words in order to make a sentence. Riordina
Beginning Letter Sound
Beginning Letter Sound Ruota della fortuna
Letter W
Letter W Colpisci la talpa
CVC Kindergarten
CVC Kindergarten Abbinamenti
Los meses del año
Los meses del año Cruciverba
CVC Sort at & it words
CVC Sort at & it words Organizza per gruppo
G sound initial-set  1
G sound initial-set 1 Memory
Whack a Diagraph
Whack a Diagraph Colpisci la talpa
What is the missing digraph? Sh/Ch
What is the missing digraph? Sh/Ch Quiz
missing number yellow.2
missing number yellow.2 Trova le corrispondenze
Rhyming Word families
Rhyming Word families Organizza per gruppo
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