Kindergarten Phonics Fundations
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Fundations Unit 1 Week 3-Kindergarten
Apri la scatola
t Sound Sort (beginning or end?)
Organizza per gruppo
Letters t, b, f
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Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words
Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles
Gira le tessere
Tap / Blend / Match
Trova le corrispondenze
Tap / Blend / Drag the picture down
CVC sentences mystery game
Trova le corrispondenze
cvc words for games
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Sound Sort /qu/ /k/ /w/
Organizza per gruppo
cvc word fluency deck 4
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cvc word fluency deck 2
Carte a caso
cvc word fluency deck 3
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cvc word fluency deck 1
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Beginning Sound Match-Fun K U1W5
Wk 2 n,m Letter Sound Fluency Cards
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CVC word matching
t, b, f sound sort
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Tap / blend / match
Trova le corrispondenze
Match up
Digraph sort
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Fundations Sounds- Flip Tiles (- pictures)
Gira le tessere
Closed or Exception? Whack a Mole
Colpisci la talpa
Letter and Keyword
Trova le corrispondenze
Choose ic or ick
Spelling oi & oy words
Completa la frase
initial or final /sh/
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Syllable Types
Unit 10 Trick Words
digraph /th/
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/sh/ words (3 sounds)
Fundations Level 2 Unit 7 Trick Words
Complete the ey,ea, ee sentences
Completa la frase
Fundations 3.6 (week 3)
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Kindergarten Fundations Unit 5 Sentences
Apri la scatola
Wk 1 Spelling cvc words
Sound Cards
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Fundations Unit 1 Week 12
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Standard Sound Cards
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Some Letters and Keywords
Ruota della fortuna
Unit 1, Week 7
Ruota della fortuna
Wk 1 t,b,f Fluency Cards
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Robot Beginning Sounds
Gira le tessere
n,m Letter Sound Fluency Wheel
Ruota della fortuna
Unit 3 v-c-e
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Needed Fundations Sounds- May
Gira le tessere
Read & Flip words with digraphs
Gira le tessere
Letter Sort (w and v)
Organizza per gruppo
Rhyming Pictures
Dinosaur Hunt / Floor is Lava
Gira le tessere
Words beginning with b and d
Short o Spinner
Ruota della fortuna
cvc Bingo words
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