Esempi della nostra Community
71 risultati della ricerca per "lips"
FIS lesson /k/ & /g/
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Tongue Coolers
Colpisci la talpa
LiPS /e/ & /i/
Colpisci la talpa
CH, SH, & CK
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Lip and Tongue Brother Sounds
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Beginning LiPS Balloon Pop
Scoppia i palloncini
LiPS Brothers Assembly
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/s/ and /sh/
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LiPS Cousins Sort
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Ending Sounds
LiPS Brother Sounds
Ending Sounds
Apri la scatola
LiPS Consonants
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LiPS - Vowel Circle Diagram
Immagini con bollini
Air Sounds Quiz Show
Phoneme Feud
Carte a caso
Airplane - Lip vs Tongue Coolers
Whack the Fat Push Sounds
Colpisci la talpa
Lips Vowel Circle
Ruota della fortuna
Name & Sound Spin
Ruota della fortuna
LiPS Vowel Sort
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LiPS Quiz Show
LiPS Brothers Matching Game
Barton Level 3 - Lesson 6 Kiss the Cat: Real and Nonsense Words
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LiPS Vowel Sounds
LiPS vowels
Trova le corrispondenze
LiPS: Find the Lip Poppers
Colpisci la talpa
LiPS Brother Sounds w/pictures
LiPS: Steady vs. Puff
Colpisci la talpa
LIPS five brothers
LiPS Beginning Sound Sort # 2
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Kid Lips Match Up
Lips Box Game
Apri la scatola
LiPS Vowel Sort
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Match LiPS Consonants
Trova le corrispondenze
Lips - labels for sounds
E+A LiPS receptive practice
Carte a caso
lips together or tapping drum
LiPS Beginning Sound Sort # 1
Organizza per gruppo
Kid Lips Brothers + i,o,oo
Ruota della fortuna
LiPS Tip Tappers and Lip Poppers
Colpisci la talpa
LiPS Sort # 3 (Beginning Sounds) s, z, TH, th, f,v k, g
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Barton 1 Lesson 1 Sight Words
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Barton 3.8 Sight Words
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LiPS Consonant Groups
Inseguimento nel labirinto
Barton 3.3 Sight Words
Carte a caso
Barton 3.8 Sight Words
Read My Lips Categories
Ruota della fortuna
LiPS and vowels
LiPS Game (Gabriel)
Scoppia i palloncini
LIPS Mouth Formations all C
LiPS Beginning Sound Sort # 1.7
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LiPS Beginning Sound Sort # 1 (
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Lips the Fish and more
Ruota della fortuna
LiPS sibling/brother/sister pairs
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