Negative thoughts: My life sucks, I am so awkward, Everyone is looking at me/talking about me, That person is such a #$%&!, I know this is going to be a disaster, This assignment is impossible--I'll never get it done, My family hates me, Everything is ruined!, I hate the way I look, I can't do anything right, Regular/Neutral thoughts: I have math class today, It's cloudy outside, I am sitting in a chair, I am noticing the sound of the train, I am feeling a bit anxious , I am eating cereal for breakfast, I have brown hair, I am thirsty, Postive Thoughts: I am going to try my best, I know I can handle hard things, This feels uncomfortable, but I will be okay, I feel really awful right now, but I know it will get better, I have a lot of skills, and I know what to do, I am looking forward to..., There are lots of good things about me, There are things I can control , I can at least give this a try, I am a bright student,
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