Correct: 面包 - bread, 面条 - noodles, 面 - miàn (wheat flour, noodles), 米饭 - cooked rice, 炒饭 - chǎo fàn (fried rice), 饭 - fàn (meal, cooked rice), 炒面 - chǎo miàn (fried noodles), 炒 - chǎo (to stir fry), 饺子 - jiǎo zi (Chinese dumplings), 包子 - steamed stuffed bun, 牛肉 - niú ròu (beef), 羊肉 - yáng ròu (lamb/mutton), 猪肉 - zhū ròu (pork), 肉 - ròu (meat), 鸡肉 - jī ròu (chicken meat), 鸡蛋 - jī dàn (chicken egg), 菜 - vegetable, 比萨饼 - pizza, 水果 - shuǐ guǒ (fruit), 巧克力 - qiǎo kē lì (chocolate), 冰淇淋 - bīng qí lín (ice-cream), 水 - water, 茶 - chá (tea), 果汁 - guǒ zhī (fruit juice), 牛奶 - niú nǎi (milk), 咖啡 - kā fēi (coffee), 吃 - to eat, 喝 - hē (to drink), 早饭 - zǎo fàn (breakfast), 早上 - zǎo shàng (morning), Incorrect: 午饭 - breakfast, 晚饭 - lunch, 晚上 - morning, 一杯果汁 - a glass of water, 碗 - glass, 两碗饭 - four bowls of rice, 想 - you, 饭馆 - cafe,

jinbu 1 chapter 5 food and drink vocab


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