Threefourths - Fraction of states that must agree to change the Constitution, Larger - Under the Virginia Plan, these states would have more power, Legislative - The branch that makes laws, Same - States must treat their own citizens and other states' citizens this way, Constitution - The document that replaced the Articles of Confederation, Taxes - One problem was that states charged these on goods from other states, Enforce - Under the Articles of Confederation, congress could not do this to its laws, so states could just ignore laws, Military - The Articles did not let Congress create this, Representative - States send these to Congress, President - Under the Articles, America did not have one of these, Judicial - The branch that interprets laws, States - These were the "individuals" in the "confederation" created by the Articles, Smaller - Under the New Jersey plan, these states would have more power, Executive - The branch that carries out laws, Population - In the House of Representatives, the number of votes a state gets depends on this, Senate - The chamber of Congress where each state gets two votes, Confederation - A group of individuals united together for a purpose, Government - The Articles of Confederation was America's first plan for, Independence - One of two things people were afraid states might lose, Branch - The Articles of Confederation created a government that had only one of these, Superior - The Constitution says laws passed by Congress are _____ to state laws,
Wanted: A Just Right Government
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