Lesbian - A woman who is sexually attracted to another woman, Transgender - A persons whose identity, gender expression, or behavior does not follow that typically associated to the sex they are assigned at birth, Heterosexual - Having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to members of the opposite sex, Tolerace - Willingness to accept feelings, habits or beliefs that are different from your own. , Sexual Orientation - Refers to a persons physical, romantic and/or emotional attraction to another person, Gender Identity - Refers to a persons internal sense of being male, female, transgender, Homosexual - Having emotional, romantic, or sexual attractions to one' own sex. , Bi-Sexual - Having emotional, romantic or sexual attractions to both men and women , Questioning - Describes a person who questions their own identity and orientation , Gender expression - Refers to the way a person communicates their identity to others through behavior, clothing, hairstyles, voice, or body characteristics. ,
LGBTQ Vocabulary Matching Game
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