What is your favorite type of weather?, Where can people get weather reports?, How does weather affect people’s life?, What do you do on rainy days?, What do you like to do on sunny days?, How does weather affect your mood?, Describe one time when the weather changed your plan., Why do some people dislike some kinds of weather?, Do you often pay attention to the weather forecast, and why?, What type of weather is most fun, and why?, Would you like to be a meteorologist, and why?, What type of weather do you NOT like, why?, What do you think the weather will be like next week?, Do you like going outside when the weather is bad, and why?, Have you ever seen snow, and what was it like?, Do you think meteorologists good at forecasting the weather, why?, What do you do in cold weather?, What do you do when it is hot outside?, What foods do you like when it is cold outside?, What foods do you like when it is hot outside?.
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