ATP-PC: - Creatine stores are limited, - Only last 10 seconds, - Recovery can take up to 3 minutes, + Oxygen isn't required, + No waste products are produced, + Quick ATP production, Lactic Acid: + Oxygen is not required, + Produces twice the amount of ATP than ATP-PC system, + Quick energy for intense exercise up to 2 minutes, - Lowers pH in muscles which leads to cramp, - Takes longer to recover than ATP-PC and needs oxygen to break down waste, - By-product of Lactic acid produced, Aerobic: + Provides energy for a long time post 2 minutes, + Can break down fat and use it for energy, + By-products can be expired and don't affect performance, + Large amount of ATP produced (38 per 1 gylcogen), - Only submaximal endurance work can be carried out, - ATP synthesis takes longer than both anaerbic systems, - Use of oxygen is more time consuming,

Energy systems strengths and weaknesses


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