John Adams 1797-1801 - I was the first vice president , Thomas Jefferson 1801-1809 - I wrote a very important document, James Madison 1809-1817 - I am one of the 2 presidents who signed the constitution, James Monroe 1817-1825 - I bought Florida from Spain for 5 million dollars, John Fitzgerald Kennedy - I was the fourth president to be assassinated, Andrew Jackson 1829-1837 - I caused the trail of tears, Martin Van Buren 1837-1841 - I was the first president who was born an American citizen, William Henry Harrison 1841-1841 - I got sick during my inauguration and died soon after, George Washington 1789-1797 - I presided over the constitutional convention, Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 - I was the first president to ride in a car, Ronald Reagan 1981-1989 - Before I was president I was an actor and I was in 53 movies, Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921 - I was president during World War 1, Franklin D. Roosevelt 1933-1945 - I was president for almost all of World War 2, Zachary Taylor 1849-1850 - When I died suddenly, they thought I had been poisoned. In 1991 they dug up my body and found out I wasn't poisoned after all!, James Buchanan 1857-1861 - I am the only president who never got married., Ulysses S. Grant 1869-1877 - I was a general before I was president. I changed my name because I didn't like my initials., James Garfield 1871-1875 - I was the second president to be assassinated, and the first president to spend a million dollars on my campaign, William Howard Taft 1909-1913 - I was the only president to also be the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Andrew Johnson 1865-1869 - I became president when Lincoln died. I was the first president to be impeached., William McKinley 1897-1901 - I was the third president to be assassinated,
US Presidents
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