True: There were 13 original states, The Revolutionary War was fought between the England and the American Colonists, Most colonists were angry because of high taxes, George Washington was the commander and chief (leader) of the colonial army, The Declaration of Independence says, "All men are created equal.", The Declaration of Independence was adopted on July 4, 1776., The colonists fought the British because the British army stayed in their houses, The Declaration of Independence announced the separation of the colonies from England, Three of the 13 original colonies were: Delaware, Maryland and Virgina, False: King George III of France controlled the colonies, England taxed tea and tobacco, After the War, Thomas Jefferson became the 1st president of the U.S., The colonists celebrated winning the war with a big tea party in Boston, Three original states were New Hampshire, Maine and New York, George Washington was the main writer of the Declaration of Indepedence, The Revolutionary War was won quickly, Most colonists were happy with taxes and no representation..,
The American Revolution & the Declaration of Independence
U.S. Citizenship
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