It is certainly true that environmental problems should be taken seriously in order to prevent disaster in the future., Unfortunately, however, most people do not take this threat seriously enough and this is for a number of reasons., The following essay will outline why the majority of people do not care enough about the environment., Perhaps the main reason people do not give the environment much thought is because at the moment it does not affect their daily life., This is because, generally, they cannot see how global warming or pollution is reasons behind it., However, these are soon forgotten and the situation is once again ignored., Another reason environmental issues are ignored is that people do not know enough about them., Although it is generally understood that recycling helps to save resources, this is perhaps the only step people take to help the situation., Most people have heard of global warming and pollution, but do not fully understand the implications., If they did, I am sure they would use their car less and try at all costs to save resources more., Many people also believe that these environmental problems will not impact society for another fifty to one hundred years., Consequently, people feel these problems can be dealt with then by future generations., Overall therefore, whilst there may be some people who are fully aware of the environmental problems facing the planet,, the majority of the population still do not give them the attention they deserve.,
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