archipelago - A chain of islands , Honshu - The largest of the four main Japanese islands , Sea of Japan - Body of water to the west of Japan, Tokyo - Capital city of Japan, most populated city in the world, Ring of Fire - Japan is prone to earthquakes because it is located in the _____, typhoon - Another words for hurricane, occurs frequently in Japan , overfishing - One environmental issue faced by Japan, catching fish faster than they can reproduce , population density - Japan has a lot of people living in a small area, this means they have a high , terrace farming - Japan's mountains don't allow for arable land so this is how Japanese people farm , Shinto - Buddhism and this religion are most widely practiced in Japan , mountains - The majority of the land in Japan is _____., coast - Most people in Japan live along the flat ________. , Asia - Continent that Japan is part of, tsunami - Japan is prone to earthquakes which can cause these high, large waves, Kami - "Shinto gods" They are sacred spirits which take the form of things and concepts important to life, such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, and rivers,
Japan Geography
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