tener ... años - to be ... years old, tener (mucho) calor - to be (very) hot, tener (mucho) cuidado - to be (very) careful, tener (mucho) frío - to be (very) cold, tener (mucha) hambre - to be (very) hungry, tener (mucho) miedo (de) - to be (very) scared (of), tener (mucha) prisa - to be in a hurry, tener razón - to be right, no tener razón - to be wrong, tener (mucha) sed - to be (very) thirsty, tener (mucho) sueño - to be (very) sleepy , tener (mucha) suerte - to be (very) lucky, tengo - I have, tienes - you (familiar) have, tiene - s/he has, you (formal) have, tenemos - we have, tenéis - you all (Spain) have, tienen - they, you all have, vengo a - I'm coming to, vienes a - you (familiar) are coming to, viene a - s/he is coming to/ you (formal) are coming to, venimos a - we are coming to, venís a - you all (Spain) are coming to, vienen - they, you all are coming to, tener que + infinitive - to have to do something, tener ganas de + infinitive - to feel like doing something,

Tener, Venir, & Tener Expressions


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