BCE/BC - abbreviation that identifies a particular time period (before "0" or before our current time period ), CE/AD - abbreviation for Common Era or Anno Domini (After Death/Christian era), Mediterranean Sea - a salty body of water north of Africa, south of Europe and west of Asia Minor, peninsula - a piece of land surrounded on 3 sides by water, myth - A traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society., culture - the characteristics that define a group of people such as beliefs, customs, language, food, technology, etc., arch - a curved architectural structure often used in bridges and doorways, chariot - a two-wheeled vehicle pulled by horses and often used in ancient battle or sporting events, gladiator - a Roman athlete, usually a slave, criminal, or prisoner of war, who was forced to fight for the entertainment of the public, Colosseum - A large stadium in ancient Rome where athletic events took place, Greco-Roman culture - having the characteristics of Roman culture with a strong Greek influence, ritual - a special ceremony using sacred actions, words, and objects (something that is performed in a certain way each time),
Ch. 32: Geography and the Early Development of Rome
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