city - a place where people live and work that is bigger than a suburb, park - land with grass and trees in a community where people can relax or play, town - a place where people live and work that is smaller than a suburb and larger than a village, pollution - waste that hurts the land, air, or water, water - clear liquid that covers most of the Earth, oil - liquid that is found in the Earth and is used to make gas, tree - a tall plant made of wood and many branches, coal - a shiny black rock found in the Earth used to make heat energy, river - a large body of water that flows into a lake or ocean, building - a place with a roof and walls made of wood, metal, or stone, like a house or store, electricity - a form of energy that can make heat and light and make machines run, environment - the air, land, water, plants, and animals in a place, build - to make something or put something together, job - work done to get paid, grow - to increase in size, change - to make something different,
ULS Vocabulary: Changes in Environment
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