giving good news: We are really happy to inform you …, You’ll never guess what (happened) …, I’ve got some amazing news for you…, Are you sitting down?, giving bad news: I need to warn you that I have some bad news…, I really don’t know how to say it but …, I’m afraid I’ve got some bad news., I’m sorry to spring this on you like this…, I’m afraid …, I’m sorry I have to tell you that…, responding to good news: Wow, that’s awesome!, I’m thrilled to hear that!, I’m so happy for you!, Sounds great!, Really? Are you serious?, Congratulations!, That’s so great!, Well done!, responding to bad news: That’s unfortunate!, I’m terribly sorry to hear that!, I know how you must be feeling!, How come?, Oh no, that’s stinks!, That must be so frustrating, How sad.,
FL Class 17. News.
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