Your little brother takes your favorite toy without asking., A classmate calls you a mean name on the bus., Your sister says you can't play video games, even though it is your turn., You broke a rule and you are afraid you are in trouble., You lost your jacket at recess and you think mom is going to be mad., Your teacher asks you to stop talking in class, but it was your friend., You have been raising your hand FOREVER and your teacher still hasn't called on you., You are hungry but lunch time is not for an hour., There is a substitute teacher in your class and she is doing things differently than your teacher. , You can't find your favorite fidget toy., Someone was rude to your friend., A classmate is not playing the game correctly at recess., You are working on a math worksheet and it is really hard., You finish last in a race at recess., A friend accidently kicked you while you were playing soccer..
How Do You Feel and What Would You Do
Social Emotional Health
Social studies
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