Physical Warning Signs - Sweating, headaches, feeling hot, feeling sick to your stomach, Mental Warning Signs - Feeling like you can't move past an issue, going quiet or "shutting down", What are Triggers? - Things that you know will set you off or make you feel angry, Dealing with Triggers - Being aware of them, avoiding them when possible, having a plan and being prepared to face them if necessary, Coping With Anger - Keeping an anger log, practicing deep breathing, using diversions, Diversions - Things that can distract yourself from anger and deal with it in a healthy way, such as: going for a walk/exercising, listening to music, playing games, writing in a journal or drawing/painting., The Anger Iceberg - Although anger may be the emotion outwardly expressed, there may be other underlying emotions, such as sadness, disappointment and anxiety.,
Managing Anger
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