If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? , If you could go anywhere in the world for a holiday, where would you go? , If you weren't at school today, where would you be and what would you be doing?, If your parents decided to move to a different city in your country, where would you want to move to?, If you won a car in a competition, what kind of car would you want to have?, If you could go to see any singer or band in concert, which one would you want to see?, If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?, If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would you change?, If you could change one thing about your personality, what would you change?, If you wanted to go on holiday with your friends, but didn't have much money, what would you do?, If you accidentally broke a window with a ball at school, what would you do?, What would you do if you saw someone stealing from a shop?, If you had the chance to learn a new language, which language would you choose?, If you heard that an old, empty house was haunted, would you stay in it overnight?, If you could have any job you wanted, what job would you choose?.
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