Find 4 thing in your house that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Find 3 things in your room that start with the sound you're working on, Draw 3 items that start with your letter, and practice each one THREE times, Find 2 things outside that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Find 4 books that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, SPIN AGAIN!, Write the letter of the sound you're working on 3 times, practicing the sound as you do it, Draw 5 items that start with your letter, and practice each one FIVE times, SPIN AGAIN!, Find 3 things in your house that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Take the day off, come back tomorrow!, Find 4 things outside that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Draw 2 animals that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, SPIN AGAIN!, Find 3 foods that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Find 5 things in your house that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Take the day off, come back tomorrow!, Find 6 things in your room that start with the letter of the sound you're working on, Find 1 thing in your kitchen that starts with the letter of the sound you're working on, SPIN AGAIN!, Take the day off, come back tomorrow!.
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