Marbury v. Madison: "midnight appointments of judges" , set precedent of judicial review, which allows the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional, , McCulloch v. Maryland: , Maryland tried to tax its branch of the national bank to death, Supreme Court ruled that states cannot interfere with federal institutions, Gibbons v. Ogden: 2 ferryboat operators were fighting for rights to operate a monopoly on the Hudson River (between NY and NJ), Supreme Court ruled that New York should not have granted a monopoly because only Congress can regulate interstate commerce, , Worcester v. Georgia : a white missionary sued on behalf of the Cherokee, saying Indian Removal was against previous treaties, Supreme Court ruled Indian Removal Act was illegal, Andrew Jackson: "Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." , , Scott v. Sanford: an enslaved black sued for his freedom because the slaveholder transported him and his wife across state lines to a free state, Chief Justice Taney ruled that blacks were property, not citizens, overturned by the 14th amendment , , Plessy v. Ferguson : a black American sued because he said segregated train cars violated the 14th Amendment , the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was legal ("Separate but equal") , later overturned by Brown v. Board of Education , ,
Supreme Court Cases TEKS
8th Grade
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