Wildlife in need of protection, As the statement suggests, there are many species at risk today., This essay will give some examples of endangered animals,, argue for their better protection and explain what action could be taken now., Arctic animals, such as polar bears, are in danger of extinction due to global warming., Other species, such as the white rhino, are facing extinction because they are hunted., If we let these beautiful creatures disappear, our world will never be the same., Think of a forest without any birds singing or an ocean with no whales., Furthermore, when species die out, the whole balance of nature is threatened., So what is to be done? , There are already several protection programmes but these often lack money. , It is also necessary for governments to pass additional environmental laws,, in my opinion, so that the pollution from factories can be better controlled., In conclusion, there is no doubt that more could be done to save endangered species., They are worth saving so that future generations can admire them.,
p33 - Objective First - Writing Folder 2 - Essays - Unjumble
English grammar
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