Creation to Flood (4 things): God created the world, God made Adam and Eve, Sin enters the garden, Cain kills Abel, Flood to Abraham's Sons (4 things): God flood the earth because of evil, God confuses languages in Babel, God makes a covenant with Abram, God Destroys Sodom and Gomorrah with rain of rocks, Abraham's Sons (2 things): Abraham has son Ishmael with Hagar, Isaac is born to Rebekah, Isaac's Life (3 things): God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham finds Rebekah as wife for Isaac from his family, Isaac has twin sons, Jacob and Esau, Jacob's Life (5 things): Jacob deceives Isaac to get blessing, Jacob meets God during dream with angels on ladder, Jacob has 12 sons, Jacob blesses his 12 sons, Jacob dies after getting to see Joseph and blessing sons, Joseph's Life (9 things): Joseph's dreams cause his brothers to sell him into slavery, Joseph works for Potiphar, Potiphar jails Joseph due to a lie, Joseph is put in charge of prison, Joseph interprets dreams of cupbearer and baker, Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream, Joseph is Pharaoh's #2, Joseph reunites with brothers and dad, Joseph dies,
BSF Timeline for Genesis
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