The summer I turned 12, my life ____ forever. It wasn't in any of the ways you're ____ imagining. I didn't ____ my best friend, my parents didn't win the lottery, and I didn't have to move ____ the country and start a new life somewhere else. My older brother and I lived with our parents in a brick apartment building in downtown Chicago. I made ____ with an Indian family from two doors down when I was seven. Whenever I visited them, they told me ____ about life in India. Mrs. Mehta was always leaving covered plates filled with piping hot naan - a type of Indian flatbread - or spicy samosas at our door. I knew that the Mehtas were ____ to India or a month at the ____ of the summer, but had no ____ I'd be invited to join them. My parents were both working long hours that summer, and my brother had unexpectedly gotten a ____ at the college where he would attend classes in the fall. If I hadn't traveled halfway around the world with the Mehtas, would I still have ____ my passion for photography? I quickly found that I loved the way I could ____ a moment on film. The colors, movement, and activity in India astounded me. I didn't want to miss anything because I knew I could never describe in words the world I was seeing. Every few years, I join the Mehtas on their journey ____. I bring my camera with me, of course, because I haven't gone anywhere without it in years. I was in the streets of Bangalore, and remember how they inspired me to discover my talent for photography the summer I turned 12.

Lesson 3.2 Shades of Meaning Lesson 1



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