me está esperando - he's waiting for me, lo sé - I know (it), Está en su habitación - he's in his room, a la izquierda - to the left, sigue por el pasillo - he continues through the hallway, llega a la habitación - he arrives at the room, en el suelo - on the floor, se acerca - he gets closer, Está muerto - he's dead, Tiene sangre en la cabeza - he has blood on his head, A su lado - at/by his side, hay un jarrón roto - there's a broken vase, Hay una mesa - there's a table, hay una ventana - there's a window, hay una silla - there's a chair, detrás de la mesa - behind the table, hay un sillón - there's an arm chair / big chair, hay un sofá - there's a sofa, hay una agenda - there's an agenda, hay una carpeta - there's a folder, hay un periodico - there's a newspaper, sale de la habitación - he leaves the room, viene de la habitación - he comes from the room, corre a la habitación - he runs to the room, ella entró en la habitación - she entered the room, en la calle - in the street, se agarra el hombro - he grabs his shoulder, lleva unos guantes negros - he wears some black gloves, salta por la ventana - he jumps through the window,
Vocab cap. 1 - el secreto de las flores
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