True: The Normans arrived after the Vikings, In the beginning, 700 Normans arrived in Ireland, Strongbow landed in Passage East, Co. Waterford, Strongbow was the first Norman King of Ireland, Norman soldiers used long steel swords, crossbows and longbows, The first Motte and Bailey castles were made from wood, King John's Castle is in county Limerick, The Lady of the Castle slept in the Solar, Rory O'Connor led many attacks on the Normans, King Henry and the Christian Church wanted to control Ireland, English Common Law became the only law in Ireland in 1210, False: The Normans arrived before the Vikings, Rory O'Connor invited Normans to help him, The first Normans arrived in the 11th century, King Henry married Dermot Mac Murrough's daughter, Irish soldiers wore chain mail and helmets in battle, 'Motte' means 'closed in land' while 'Bailey' means 'mound', A portcullis was a large wooden gate at the front of the castle, The walls of the Keep were 2.5cm thick, King Henry's son Tom became 'Lord of Ireland',
The Normans in Ireland, True or False
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