leaflet - a piece of paper that gives you information or advertises something, brochure - a type of small magazine that contains pictures and information on a product or a company, abbreviation - a short form of a word or phrase, out of print - to be no longer available to be bought because new copies are no longer being produced, summary - ) a short, clear description that gives the main facts or ideas about something, circulation - ) the number of people that a newspaper or magazine is regularly sold to, a viewer - ) a person who watches something, especially television, censorship - the act of censoring books, films, preface - an introduction at the beginning of a book explaining its purpose, thanking people who helped the author, layout - the way something is designed or arranged, royalty - a payment made to writers every time their books are bought by others, edition - a particular form in which a book, magazine, or newspaper is published, journal - a serious magazine or newspaper that is published regularly about a particular subject, a sponsor - a company which pays for a broadcast in return for advertising, a manual - a book that gives you practical instructions on how to do something or how to use something, stationery - the things needed for writing, such as paper, pens, pencils, and envelopes, rumour - unofficial news which may have no basis in fact, a circular - a leaflet delivered free to a large number of people, draft - the first version of a piece of writing, editorial - an article stating the policy of a newspaper,
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