Can you name 3 health and safety responsibilities you have in the workplace?, Tell me briefly about the last article or news story you read that related to a health and safety issue?, Do you think mental health is linked to health and safety and if so how?, Do you have a duty of care to anyone and if so who?, Name three ways that you look after your own health and safety in the workplace?, Can you name 3 types of workplace incidents that can occur?, How often do you update your health and safety knowledge in the workplace and how?, Can you name the top three most common workplace accidents?, Is there anything that you would do differently to ensure your ongoing health and safety at work?, Stress can be one of the biggest health hazards in a workplace, what do you do to minimise your stress levels?, Name three ways that you take care of your physical and mental wellbeing at work?, Can you name three benefits to having a good standard of health and safety in a workplace?.

Health and Safety


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