True: Veins have valves, the aorta takes blood from the left atrium, the heart muscle is myogenic, chemoreceptors detec changes in blood acidity, cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate, bradycardia is when the heart arte is les than 60bpm, an atheroma is a fatty deposit found in the lining of an artery, the systemic system takes oxygenated blood to the body from the heart, cardiovascular drift is the unexpected rise in heart rate during prolonged exercise, diastolic blood pressure is the pressure when the ventricles are relaxing, Bohr shist is caused by and increase in blood temperature and acidity, vasodilation is the widening of the capillary walls, A-VO2 difference increases during exercise, heart rate is regulated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, False: baroreceptors detect changes in movement, the vena cava carries oxygenated blood, the tricuspid valves are between the left atrium and left ventricle, the cardiac conduction system starts with the AVN, heart rate is greater in a trained athlete than in an untrained one, the hormone adrenaline slows the heart down, hypertrophy is when the hear muscle decreases is size and strength, the pulmonary circulation system takes blood from the body back to the heart, haemoglobin has a greater affinity for oxygen than myoglobin, the Bohr shift moves the oxthaemoglobin dissociation curve to the left, vasoconstriction is caused by the pre capillary sphincters relaxing, ischaemic strokes ocur when a weakened blood vessel bursts,
The Heart
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