1) Which of these is a major mode? a) Dorian b) Mixolydian c) Locrian 2) How many sharps are in D major? a) 1 b) 2 c) 5 3) How many flats are in B flat? a) 0 b) 3 c) 2 4) Which note do we raise to make a harmonic scale? a) 7th b) 5th c) 3rd 5) Which of these is used to create 'colour' in the voice? a) Hard Palette b) Soft Palette c) Larynx 6) Which key signature has 5 sharps? a) B major b) Cb Major c) E minor 7) Which note do we flatten to make a minor triad? a) 2nd b) 5th c) 3rd 8) Put these vocal pitches in order from highest to lowest. a) Alto, Bass, Tenor, Soprano b) Bass, Tenor, Alto, Falsetto c) Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass 9) Which note or beat rest is this? a) Minim half-note b) Crotchet quarter note c) Quaver 8th note 10) Put these blues scale notes in the right order a) 1st, b3rd, 4th, b5th, 5th, b7th b) 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th c) 1st, 3rd, 5th, 4th, 6th, 7th 11) What harmonic interval is this? a) Octave b) 6th c) Perfect 4th 12) Which part of the drum kit does this tell you to play? a) Hi-Hat b) Snare c) Right Tom 13) What do these bars and dots tell you to do? a) Repeat b) Play nothing c) Play louder 14) What is this? a) A duple b) A triplet c) A trio 15) What is the correct musical term for these signs? a) Hashtags b) Directions c) Accidentals 16) And what is this one? a) Neutral b) Natural c) Double flat 17) What is this telling you to do? a) Play louder b) Play very loud c) Play soft 18) Which note is used to augment a major triad? a) 5th b) #5th c) 4th 19) Which note is used to diminish a minor triad a) b5th b) 6th c) b3rd 20) To make a chord a dominant 7th we... a) Flatten all the notes b) Sharpen the 5th c) Flatten the 7th note
RSL Music Theory L3
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