Clap five times, Say a tongue twister , Sing a song , What would you do if you were .. , Crazy recipe , Make a song , Say as many jokes as you can in one minute , What is the most funniest thing you ever seen, What is the funniest thing your pet has ever done , Don’t laugh while the other players try to make you laugh , Lick your elbow , Do a silly dance , Try not to blink for 30 sec, Imitate a cartoon character , What is your dream job , What tule would you change if you were in charge at home , Dance to a song chosen by another player , Go steal a snack from the fridge , Run 3 times around a table , Go outside and act like a chicken for ten minutes , Go outside and hug all the trees in the back yard , Do the Macarena , Say something nice to each of your classmates , What do you cherish the most .
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