1) Mark and Simone are friends. ... are in Class 2. a) They b) Their 2) She's a new student. ... name's Carla. a) She b) Her 3) Is ... teacher British? a) they b) their 4) My name's Soraya. I'm in ... class. a) you b) your 5) Where are ... friends from? a) you b) your 6) We're French. ... names are Marc and Jacques. a) We b) Our 7) Is ... Japanese? a) she b) her 8) Peter is a teacher. ... is from Canada. a) He b) His 9) What's ... name? a) he b) his 10) I'm Karen. ... last name is White. a) I b) My 11) ... is from Seoul. a) She b) Her

American English File 1, Unit 1C, Grammar: Possessive adjectives


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