BLOODY ORIGINS - A film featuring a future A-Lister - Friday the 13th IV, ZOMBIE REDNECK TORTURE FAMILY - Featuring rednecks/cannibals - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), HALLOWEEN - Taking place on the Holiday itself - Trick 'r Treat, STEPHEN KING- Based on a Stephen King’s book or scripted by him - 1408, SUPERNATURAL - Ghosts, demons, or other paranormal entities - Sinister, HAUNTED HOUSE - A haunted location - The Woman in Black, MUSICAL! - Combination of musical with horror - Repo! The Genetic Opera, WITCHES - Featuring withchcraft/witches - The Witch, GIALLO - Italian mystery film with gruesome kills and psychological horror - Deep Red, TV EPISODE - Special “Halloween Episode” of a broadcast TV show - Treehouse of Horror (any), FAIRY TALE FLIPS - Taking a fairy tale premise and twisting it on its head - Hansel & Gretel (2007), UNIVERSAL MONSTERS - Classic monster films from Universal Studios - Bride of Frankenstein, CARTOONS - Cartoon, stop-motion, anime, etc. - ParaNorman, FAMILY - Horror film for kids or families - Hocus Pocus, NATURAL HORROR - Where nature or the creatures in it want to kill you - Jaws, RELIGIOUS HORROR - Religious symbolism-driven horror - The Omen, DAYLIGHT HORROR - Majority of the horror takes place in the daylight - The Stepford Wives (1972), TV SPECIAL - A special TV airing for Halloween, not part of a regular lineup - The David S. Pumpkins Animated Halloween Special, CABIN IN THE WOODS - A cabin, the woods, or better yet both - The Evil Dead (1981), CREEPY DOLLS - Puppets, dolls, toys or godamn muppets - Dead Silence, GRINDHOUSE - Infamous exploitation films of the 70s and 80s - Pieces, COMEDY HORROR - Combing horror themes with comedy, MONSTER MASH - Multiple monsters, same film - The Monster Squad, META-HORROR - Self-referential commentary on the genre - The Cabin in the Woods, VAMPIRES - Dracula or any other bloodsuckers - Fright Night (1985), WEREWOLVES - Wolf Man or werewolves as a community - An American Werewolf in London, DYSTOPIAN / APOCALYPTIC - The end of the world, or close to it - A Quiet Place, FOLK HORROR - Themes of folklore, nature, and isolation - Midsommar, HAMMER - Classic English production company of 70s horror - Horror of Dracula, FOUND FOOTAGE - shot to resemble actual footage such as fake documentary or home movie - Hell House LLC,  ANTHOLOGY - Combination of multiple stories, whether they have a through line or not - V/H/S/, ATTACK OF THE KILLER WHATEVER - The killer is something absurd (pants, bunnies, condoms, a woman’s vagina, etc.) - Maximum Overdrive, ASIAN HORROR - Horror from China, Korea, Japan, or Thailand - Ringu, TORTURE/EXTREMISM - Graphic portrayals of gore and human suffering - Saw II, WILLIAM CASTLE - Prominent horror director of the 50's and "King of the Gimmick" - House on Haunted Hill (1959), VINCENT PRICE - Legendary actor in the world of horror - House of Usher, HOME INVASION - When someone breaks into the house or is hiding inside - Hush, GERMAN EXPRESSIONISM - Precursors to modern horror films that defied a sense of realism - The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, SURREAL HORROR - Combining horror with surrealist imagery and plot - Hausu, SLASHER - A usually masked killer stalks and stabs - Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives, SCI-FI HORROR - Featuring aliens, space, or tech gone wrong - Alien, PSYCHOLOGICAL - Focus on mental, emotional, and psychological states to frighten - The Invisible Man (2020), ACTION HORROR - Combining horror themes with action sequences, CREEPY CLOWNS - Killer/creepy clown, be it supernatural or human - It, Chapter 1, ROMANTIC HORROR - Combining romance tropes with horror themes - Let Me In, KILLER KIDS - Creepy children or outright murderous kids - Children of the Corn (2009), BODY HORROR - Violation of the human body - Tusk, ZOMBIES - Walkers, shamblers, living dead, undead, whatever you want to call them- The Return of the Living Dead, GOTHIC - Striking visuals and themes and themes of death and romance, DEPRAVED DOCTOR / DENTIST - Psychotic/killer/questionable motives doctors or dentists - A Cure For Wellness.



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