If you get a raise, what might you do with the extra money?, How will you respond if a coworker asks you to go out after work?, If you wake up with a cold tomorrow, what will you do?, What would you do if you were independently wealthy and didn’t have to work?, If you started your own business, what would you have to get used to?, If you could change one thing about your current job, what would it be?, If you were offered a job in another country, would you accept it? Why or why not?, If you were offered a promotion and a 15% raise but you knew that you’d have to work late every night, would you accept the promotion?, What do you think might happen if you didn’t get along with the people you work with?, If you had an extra two hours of time every day, what could you do with the time?, What is a skill you don’t have (but would like to have)? What would be different if you had it?, If you had $1,000,000 dollars to invest, how would you invest it? Why?.
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