Step 1: Look for components which burn out or have a tendency to wear out, ie mechanical switches, fuses, relay contacts, or light bulbs. (Remember, that in the case of fuses, they burn out for a reason – you should find out why before replacing them.), Step 2: The next most likely causes of failure are coils, motors, transformers and other devices with windings. These usually generate heat and, with time, can malfunction., Step 3: Connections should be your next choice, especially screw types or bolted types. Over time these can loosen and cause a high resistance. In some cases this resistance will cause overheating and eventually will burn open. Connections on equipment that is subject to vibration are especially prone to coming loose., Step 4: Look for defective wiring. Pay particular attention to areas where the wire insulation could be damaged, causing short circuits. Don't rule out incorrect wiring, especially on a new piece of equipment.,

Fault Finding Order


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