1) how the author organizes, or presents, their ideas to the reader a) supporting details b) central idea c) topic d) text structure 2) this text describes characteristics of something, uses adjectives a) chronological order, or sequence b) cause and effect c) description d) order of importance, or logical order e) problem and solution f) compare and contrast 3) this text explains the reason (causes) of something and tells the "aftermath", or results, of these events a) description b) problem and solution c) compare and contrast d) cause and effect e) order of importance, or logical order f) chronological order, or sequence 4) this tells the similarities and differences between two or more things a) cause and effect b) chronological order, or sequence c) compare and contrast d) problem and solution e) description f) order of importance, or logical order 5) this text describes the sequence of events in the order they happen, or a list of steps/process a) problem and solution b) order of importance, or logical order c) description d) cause and effect e) compare and contrast f) chronological order, or sequence 6) this text describes a problem and tells how it is solved a) compare and contrast b) order of importance, or logical order c) chronological order, or sequence d) description e) problem and solution f) cause and effect 7) for example, such as, and using adjectives (describing the topic) are signal, or clue words for a) cause and effect b) problem and solution c) compare and contrast d) description e) order of importance, or logical order f) chronological order, or sequence 8) because, consequently, since, due to, are clue words for this text structure a) problem and solution b) description c) order of importance, or logical order d) compare and contrast e) cause and effect f) chronological order, or sequence 9) first, next, last, finally, before, after, dates, years are signal, or clue words for this text structure a) cause and effect b) description c) compare and contrast d) chronological order, or sequence e) problem and solution f) order of importance, or logical order 10) like, unlike, simliarly, on the other hand, also, both, however are signal, or clue words for this texg structure a) problem and solution b) chronological order, or sequence c) compare and contrast d) order of importance, or logical order e) cause and effect f) description 11) issue, dilemma, since, this led to, solved are signal, or clue words for this text structure a) compare and contrast b) problem and solution c) order of importance, or logical order d) description e) cause and effect f) chronological order, or sequence 12) tells how two or more things are alike, or similar a) compare b) contrast 13) tells how two things are different a) contrast b) compare 14) tells the reason something happened a) effect b) cause 15) tells the results from what happened a) cause b) effect
Text Structure
4th Grade
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