(88) Name one of the two longest rivers in the United States. - Missouri / Mississippi, (89) What ocean is on the West Coast of the United States? - Pacific / the Pacific Ocean, (90) What ocean is on the East Coast of the United States? - Atlantic / the Atlantic Ocean, (91) Name ONE U.S. territory. - Puerto Rico / U.S. Virgin Islands / American Samoa / Northern Mariana Islands / Guam, (92) Name ONE state that borders Canada. - Maine / New Hampshire / Vermont / New York / Pennsylvania / Ohio / Michigan / Minnesota / North Dakota / Montana / Idaho / Washington / Alaska, (93) Name ONE state that borders Mexico. - California / Arizona / New Mexico / Texas, (94) What is the capital of the United States? - Washington, D.C., (95) Where is the Statue of Liberty? - New York Harbor, (96) Why does the flag have 13 stripes? - Because there were 13 original colonies. , (97) Why does the flag have 50 stars? - Because there are 50 states. , (98) What is the name of the national anthem? - The Star-Spangled Banner, (99) When do we celebrate Independence Day? - July 4th / We celebrate Independence Day on July 4th., (100) Name TWO national U.S. holidays. - New Year's Day / Martin Luther King, Jr. Day / Presidents' Day / Memorial Day / Independence Day / Labor Day / Columbus Day / Veterans Day / Thanksgiving /Christmas, (52) What do we show loyalty to when we say the Pledge of Allegiance? - the flag / the United States, (62) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? - Thomas Jefferson, (68) What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for? - He was a U.S. diplomat. / He was the first Postmaster General. / He started the first free libraries. , (69) Who is the "Father of Our Country?" - George Washington, (70) Who was the first president? - George Washington, (75) What was ONE important thing that Abraham Lincoln did? - He led the United States during the Civil War. / He freed the slaves. / The Emancipation Proclamation. , (85) What did Martin Luther King, Jr. do? - He fought for civil rights. / He worked for equality for all Americans., (73) Name the U.S. War between the North and the South. - The Civil War, (58) What is ONE reason colonists came to America? - for freedom / political liberty / religious freedom / economic opportunity / practice their religion / escape persecution, (59) Who lived in America before the Europeans arrived? - American Indians / Native Americans, (87) Name ONE American Indian (Native American) tribe in the United States. - Cherokee / Navajo / Sioux / Chippewa / Choctaw / Pueblo / Apache / Iroquois / Inuit / Seminole / Blackfeet / Wampanoag / Lakota , (78) Name one war fought by the United States in the 1900s. - World War I / World War II / Korean War / Vietnam War / Gulf War, (79) Who was president during World War I? - Woodrow Wilson, (80) Who was President during the Great Depression and World? - Franklin D. Roosevelt, (81) Who did the United States fight in World War II? - Italy, Germany and Japan, (82) Before he was President, Eisenhower was a general. What war was he in? - World War II, (83) During the Cold War, what was the main concern of the US? - Communism, (86) What major event happened on September 11, 2001, in the United States? - Terrorists attacked the United States., (8) What did the Declaration of Independence do? - It declared our independence from Great Britain. / It said the United States is free from Great Britain., (9) What are two rights in the Declaration of Independence? - Life / Liberty / The Pursuit of Happiness, (61) Why did the colonists fight the British? - Because of high taxes / Because the British army stayed in their houses / Because they didn't have self-government, (63) When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? - July 4, 1776, (64) There were 13 original states. Name THREE. - New Hampshire / Massachusetts / Rhode Island / Connecticut / New York / New Jersey / Pennsylvania / Delaware / Maryland / Virginia / North Carolina / South Carolina / Georgia, (71) What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803? - Louisiana / The Louisiana Territory, (60) What group was taken to America and sold as slaves? - Africans / People from Africa, (65) What happened at the Constitutional Convention? - The Constitution was written., (66) When was the Constitution written? - 1787, (67) The Federalist Papers supported the passage of the Constitution. Name ONE of the writers. - James Madison / Alexander Hamilton / John Jay, (72) Name ONE war fought by the United States in the 1800s. - War of 1812 / Mexican-American War / Civil War / Spanish-American War, (74) Name ONE problem that led to the Civil War. - slavery / economic reasons / states' rights, (76) What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? - It freed the slaves. ,
100 Civics Questions - Level 1 Citizenship Class
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