A. You are at the nurse and you do not feel well..., A. You are the school nurse and a student comes into your office..., A. You are a doctor and a patient comes into your office..., A. You are a parent and your child does not seem to be well..., A. You are at home and you wake up with a stomach ache..., A. You are at home and you wake up with a headache..., A. You are at home and you wake up with a cough..., A. You are at home and you wake up with a cold..., B.You are going to a new school and before you arrive your guidance counselor asks you to describe yourself so they can know a little about you before you arrive. , B. Describe a friend. , B. Describe your favorite teacher. Do not give a name. , B. Describe a brother, sister or cousin. , C. What are somethings you could ask a pharmacist?, C. What are somethings a pharmacist could ask you?, C. What are somethings a doctor could ask you?, C. What are somethings you could ask a doctor?.
El Bienestar
8th Grade
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